Reduce Food Waste

Reduce Food Waste to lower global greenhouse gas emissions

Take a little leap by doing an honest assessment of what you'll really eat and purchasing only that.

Food loss and waste account for 8-10% of annual global greenhouse gas emissions; cost USD 1 trillion annually. In 2022, a staggering 1.05 billion tons of food were wasted, while 783 million people went hungry and a third of the global population faced food insecurity. (United Nations)

When food is discarded, all inputs used in producing, processing, transporting, preparing, and storing discarded food are also wasted. Production, transportation, and handling of food generate significant Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions and when food ends up in landfills, it generates methane, an even more potent greenhouse gas. (USDA)

If they weren’t wasted, the fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, seafood, and grains that either never leave the farm, get lost or spoiled during distribution, or are thrown away in hotels, grocery stores, restaurants, schools, or home kitchens could provide enough calories to feed every undernourished person on the planet. (WWF)

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